Sunday, August 22, 2010

{Slap} Bracelets, Pogs & Bubble Necklaces...

Slap Bracelets, Pogs & Bubble Necklaces...

These are a few just gotta have items that I remember from elementary school.

But now there's a new kid in town. Meet the newest and coolest bracelets. They come in all different shapes and look completely ridiculous when worn, however, I understand the 'importance' of them at this time in Hailey's life:) I'm sure this simple worldy possession will sooner or later be a fun memory of her childhood.

And the best place to buy them is Dollar Tree!

{Sweet!} {Hailey bought these for daddy} {It's sooo cool to wear a million of them at one time so you have some to trade with friends}

1 comment:

Brooke and Aaron said...

Dax LOVES these too! I didn't know dollar tree had them. I'll have to go there next time.