Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy {LOVE} Day!

To my girls and my hubby...I Love Ya!

It's kind of a bummer that Austin had to work at the fire station today but because Valentine's fell on a Sunday, we wouldn't have gone out anyways. So what do ya do? We manage. We gave the girls their gift last night and Austin left a fun surprise for the girls this morning. He was gone before they woke up. I got up early with him and fixed him breakfast and got the kids' breakfast ready to go. Hailey painted and decorated a picture frame and hid it in daddy's work bag. It had a cute picture of them from Disneyland. I gave Austin a card with a pair of 'Boo' Bees on it. Get it? There were two bzzzz bees saying boo. I thought it would embarrass him a little. The kids ate a 'love'ly breakfast and off to church we went. We had a relaxing Sunday afternoon in our 65 degree weather (sorry to brag Utah & Colorado peeps!). Here's some pics from our day...

Is this swimsuit not the cutest thing ever?! Miley got a pink one just like it but the stinker already sent hers to the laundry before I got a picture of her cute bum. I tried it on her on Saturday night and she pee'd in it 30 seconds into our fashion show. I'll have to take a picture and post it too.

1 comment:

Sharon Haynie said...

Cute cute girls! I'm going to Skype you guys one of these days!!